Going public…

Okay…  So I’ve run out of excuses… it’s time to do this.

There’s been this rumbling inside of me for some time that I’ve been suppressing.  I’ve either been too busy or too afraid to commit.  But I’ve run out of excuses.  I’ve gotta start writing.

I’m a guy who loves to learn.  I’m not an academic, but I love to learn.  I learn best as I process through things and I happen to very much enjoy processing things through a keyboard.  I’ve always struggled with journalling on paper b/c my writing is so messy and my hand can’t keep up with my mind.  But as I dump stuff onto a keyboard, I seem to find clarity and discover things I never even knew were there.

So I’m gonna jump in.  I’m jumpin’ onto the blog train.

Before I get started though, I just want to apologize and warn you at the same time.

If you’re going to read this, great.  But please know that this is actually more for me than it is for you.  That might sound rude, but I don’t think it is.  I really hope and pray that as I use this as a place for sorting through my journey that you may be able to learn something too.

This is from the “About Me” page… it’s sorta my heart for what this is going to be…

I’d be lying if I tried to suggest that this blog is meant to be a pooling ground and communication point for all of my brilliant ideas. I’d be lying because that simply wouldn’t be true. I’d probably even be lying if I tried to tell you that the words found here are more for you than they are for me. I learn best when I ramble. Those closest to me have suffered through many a run on sentence and call it “Jud-speak”. One of my favourite things to do is sit across a table at a coffee shop from someone I care about and dream out loud.

That’s what this space is for. Latté in hand, journal notes on a napkin, dreaming out loud. My prayer is if you opt to read anything here that perhaps you learn something for the ramblings of this fool..

That pretty much sums it up.  So, welcome.  If you ever care to comment I think that’d be rad. But if not, that’s cool too.


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